Baked Cod with Tomatoes and Preserved Limes

A few months ago I was left with several limes after a party where we didn't drink quite as many cocktails as we anticipated. Not knowing what to do with so many limes (they're a rare fruit in my kitchen) I browsed as usual on (they also have an English version) and found an amazing Carribean chicken recipe using preserved limes (citrons verts confits à l'huile d'olive). The first step was then to make the preserve... This is how I made my first jar of olive oil preserved limes.

The chicken was awesome. Several months past before I thought about my limes again, quietly waiting for my attention in the fridge's door. I wanted to assort the limes with other ingredients. I had in mind that preserved limes would be the perfect condiment for fish. So here's what I "concocted".

Baked Cod with Tomatoes and Preserved Limes:
Serves 2.
  • 1 big North Atlantic Cod filet
  • 1 big ripe tomato
  • 1/2 yellow onion
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • a dozen slices of preserved limes (see the recipe at the end of this post)
  1. Rinse and slice the tomato. Chop the onion. Drain the lime slices.
  2. In an oven-safe dish, spread 1 tablespoon olive oil. Place half the tomato slices at the bottom of the dish, one next to the other. Place half the slices of preserved lime on the tomato slices. Sprinkle with half the minced onion. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Cut the cod filet in two pieces and place them in the dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover with the other half of tomato slices. Place lime slices on the tomatoes. Finish with a dash of olive oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Bake about 30 minutes at 365F.
We served the fish with rice Pilaf. The tomato juice and olive oil combined perfectly with the bitterness of the limes. Very nice!

Preserved Limes:
  • 1 lb. organic limes
  • salt (about 2 tablespoons)
  • olive oil (2-3 cups or mode depending on the jar's size)
  • 2 or 3 cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  1. Rinse the limes (whole, with their skin) and dry them with a paper towel.
  2. Slice the limes (about 1/2 cm or 1/4" thick). Place them in a colander. Sprinkle with salt and let them drain for 12 hours.
  3. Remove the excess salt by gently damping the lime slices with a paper towel.
  4. Place the slices in an air tight jar. Add the cloves and bay leaf. Pour olive oil until all the slices are fully sinked.
  5. Wait at least 1 week before using. This preserve can be kept up to one year in the fridge, if the limes are organic.
