Turmeric Carrot Soup from Colleen

Hey, I’ve been feeling under the weather with sinus troubles and lingering post-virus fatigue. 

Turmeric is supposed to be a natural anti-inflammatory.  

A neighbor gave me a big package of organic turmeric and I thought I would make a soup based on it.  Most recipes online call for ginger in a turmeric soup, but I don’t always like that flavor profile.  

So here is a soup I made up without the ginger, although if you like ginger, I think you could easily add it to this recipe.  The amounts are approximate - you could alter the ratio of carrots and tomatoes and peppers as you have ingredients on hand. And if you don’t have shallots, you could easily sauce 1/2 cup finely chopped onion.  

It makes a really hearty soup that is not too spicy but feels warming.  

Warning! Turmeric is a potent herb in the sense that it will stain many plastics or utensils a deep marigold if in prolonged contact with the spice.  
I left my hand blender in the soup while it was cooling, thinking I might want to blend it a little more. Hah!  Base of the blender is stained yellow.  I soaked and scrubbed it and nothing helped.  Not a crisis, but be careful!


Turmeric Carrot Soup

1 large shallot, minced
3 Tbs turmeric powder
1 Tbs chopped garlic or  ½ Tbs Penzy’s dehydrated garlic
2 Tbs olive oil
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
4-6 cups  peeled, cut carrots (baby carrots fine)
2 cups chopped fresh tomatoes (or one can)
1 jar roasted red peppers, sliced
2 Tbs tomato paste
2 cartons chicken stock
½ cup uncooked white rice
2 Tbs butter
salt and pepper to taste

Saute the shallots in olive oil until translucent.  Add in turmeric, red pepper and garlic and sauté for a minute.  (If using dehydrated garlic, wait and add with broth).  Add broth, carrots, tomatoes, tomato paste, red peppers, white rice and salt and pepper.  Simmer for 30-40 minutes until carrots are cooked through and rice is soft.  Blend with hand blender in the pot.  Add butter and stir in.   Season to taste If soup is thick, can thin with more broth or water.  

