Cuban Sandwich

A quality sandwich isn't just a neat package for nutrition, it's a 1-2 punch of flavor and texture.  Salty, sour, savory, creamy.  Melty, chewy, fluffy, crispy.  These are good descriptors of the Cuban sandwich... a simple recipe that transforms into a deli delicacy if you extract all the flavor from each ingredient.


  • Ham with natural juices (not pre-sliced)
  • salami (thin sliced)
  • swiss cheese (sliced)
  • dill pickles (sliced)
  • yellow mustard
  • thin, crusty bread (like a baguette or similar roll)

If you watch enough Good Eats, you'll know what "Ham with Natural Juices" means.  Slice into 1/4" slabs.

Test your elementary school shape skills, to maximize coverage and minimize waste.

Organize your ham optimally and lightly season with your favorite spice blend.

Pan fry the ham until both sides are browned.

For bonus points, add salami for a contrasting meaty texture.

Also pan fried to perfection.

Organize the ingredients for assembly.  Start with mustard on both sides.

First layer is the ham.

Second layer is the salami.

Third layer is the swiss cheese.

And finally, pickles.

Assemble your sandwiches and fire up the griddle!

On an angle, grill the sandwiches.  

With the panini hinge released, press down on the sandwiches and re-align/-assemble sandwiches as needed.

Slice the sandwiches onto triangles for maximum drool factor.

Serve with chips or fried plantains
