Barley Salad with Fresh Veggies from Bridget

A great summer salad -- and gluten free, too

A while back Bridget and I were in the car together, chatting about recipes, and talking about what to make with barley because we both had some in our cupboard.

She told me about this dish, which she has taken to events, where it was successful... and there were vegetarians and vegans.

I got around to making it this past week.  Yum!  The cottage smelled great while the barley was cooking.  Very easy, too.

Beware, the recipe makes a huge amount of salad.  It was very good, served hot the first night, then served cold over the next few days.

Farro can be used instead of barley.  And I would think quinoa would work, too.

Barley Salad with Fresh Veggies
(adapted from Color Me Vegan)

Serves 8 generously

2 cups uncooked barley or farro
5 cups water
1 cup diced red pepper
1 cup diced carrot
1 cup quartered hot house cucumber, unpeeled
1 cup chopped scallions (about 6), using both white and green parts
1/2 cup toasted pine nuts
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup chopped fresh mint
2 T. balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup olive oil, good quality extra virgin
juice of 1 lemon, seeds removed
salt and freshly ground pepper

In a 4 quart saucepan, combine the barley and water, and bring to a boil over high heat.

Reduce the heat, cover and simmer gently, without stirring for 35 to 45 minutes until all of the water is absorbed.  It could take longer depending on how low your heat is.  Remove from heat.

In a large serving bowl, add the bell pepper, carrots, cucumber, scallions, parsley and mint.  Stir to combine.

In a small bowl, make the vinaigrette:  combine the vinegar, olive oil and lemon juice and whisk together until emulsified.

Add the barley to the large serving bowl on top of the veggies, add the vinaigrette, and use a large spatula or spoon to gently mix the veggies with the barley and coat it all with vinaigrette.

Sprinkle the pine nuts over the top, and gently mix together.

Serve hot.  Or refrigerate, and serve later, cold.
