Beef stroganoff, fluffy rice, red onion & parsley pickle recipes

* For the rice
* 1 mug (300g) 10-minute wholegrain or basmati rice
* ½ bunch fresh thyme
* 200 g baby spinach
* For the pickle
* 2 small red onions
* 1 handful gherkins
* 1 bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley
* For the stroganoff
* 300 g mixed mushrooms
* olive oil
* 3 cloves of garlic
* 2 x 200 g quality sirloin steaks , fat removed
* 1 heaped teaspoon sweet paprika
* 1 lemon
* 1 swig brandy
* 4 heaped tablespoons fat-free natural yoghurt
* 1 swig semi-skimmed milk

Ingredients out • Kettle boiled • Medium lidded pan, medium heat • Food processor (fine slicer) • Large frying pan, high heat

Put 1 mug of rice, 2 mugs of boiling water, the thyme leaves and a pinch of salt and pepper into the medium pan and put the lid on, stirring occasionally • Peel the onions, then finely slice them with the gherkins in the processor and tip into a bowl • Finely slice the parsley stalks and roughly chop the leaves, then toss into the bowl with a swig of gherkin vinegar and a pinch of salt, scrunching together well

Tear or slice the mushrooms into the frying pan with 2 tablespoons of oil, then squash in the unpeeled garlic through a garlic crusher and add two- thirds of the parsley pickle, stirring regularly • Slice the steaks about 1cm thick and toss with salt, pepper, the paprika and the finely grated lemon zest • Tip the mushrooms on to a plate, then add 2 tablespoons of oil and the steak to the pan in one layer, turning when golden

Add the spinach to the rice pan and replace the lid • Add the brandy to the steak, carefully light it with a match (if you want), let the flames subside, then return the mushrooms to the pan with the yoghurt and milk and bring to the boil • Transfer the wilted spinach to a nice serving platter, then fluff up and scatter the rice over the top • Spoon over the stroganoff, squeeze and drain the remaining pickle, then scatter over from a height
