Barbara's Guide to Restaurants in Corning (Summer 2016)

Outside my art studio at 11 West Market Street
At my art studio on Market Street here in historic Corning, New York, I get asked all of the time for restaurant recommendations.  So I have compiled a list two ways: frequently asked questions, and by location, i.e, by block, and east or west Market street.
(I have included links on the location list.)

This is a work in progress, so feel free to let me know your thoughts...

Barbara's Restaurant Guide to Corning's Gaffer District, mostly Market Street

There are over 40 eating establishments in the downtown area of Corning, New York including Market Street where my art studio is located.

Go directly to the restaurant guide page by clicking here:

And in case you didn't know I had an art studio, here is a link to see my paintings and art photography:

