Skinny homemade houmous recipes

* 1 x 660 g jar of chickpeas
* 1 teaspoon tahini
* 2 tablespons natural yoghurt
* 1 pinch of cayenne pepper
* ½ a clove of garlic
* ½ a lemon

This recipe requires you to hunt out a jar of really good-quality chickpeas – they have much better flavour, so will guarantee an amazing result. Tip the jar of chickpeas, juice and all, into a blender. Add the tahini, yoghurt and a pinch of cayenne pepper, then peel and add the garlic. Squeeze in the lemon juice, then blitz until smooth. Taste and season to perfection, then serve with an extra sprinkling of cayenne.

Pair a portion of houmous with 80g of raw seasonal crunchy veg crudités for a great snack.
