Rhubarb bellini recipes

* 300 g rhubarb , trimmed and finely sliced
* 75 g sugar
* 1 bottle Prosecco or Champagne

I recently had this fantastic drink at my mates Arthur and Jamie’s restaurant (Acorn House in London, worth a visit). Not only was it a refreshing start to our meal, but it also reflected the rhubarb season brilliantly. You can buy some half-decent sparkling wines and Proseccos with reasonable price tags these days, so this recipe makes you feel like you’re having a bit of affordable luxury. It’s based on the classic bellini, which is made by mixing Prosecco or Champagne with a peach purée, and you’re going to love it.

Get yourself a small pan and throw in the rhubarb, sugar and a couple of tablespoons of water. Put a lid on top, bring to the boil and simmer for a couple of minutes. Remove the lid and simmer for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally, until you get a thick compote consistency. Whiz up with a hand blender or in a liquidizer until you have a lovely smooth purée. Leave to cool, then stir again and divide the purée between six glasses. Pour over your Prosecco or Champagne, stirring as you pour, with a long spoon or something similar, until the glass is three-quarters full. Top it up with bubbles and you’re done. Cheers!

PS I really like serving this cold cold cold on a hot day, so I put the bubbly into the freezer about 40 minutes beforehand. Don’t forget it’s there!
