Easy flatbreads recipes

* for the flatbreads:
* 350 g self-raising flour , plus extra for dusting
* sea salt
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 350 g natural yoghurt
* For the garlic and herb butter (optional):
* 2 cloves of garlic
* a bunch of fresh soft herbs, such as flat-leaf parsley, tarragon, basil, dill
* 40 g unsalted butter
* Equipment list
* weighing scales
* measuring spoons
* 2 mixing bowls
* spoon
* plate
* chopping board
* knife
* garlic crusher
* small saucepan (15cm)
* rolling pin
* griddle pan
* tongs
* pastry brush
* serving board

I’ve given you a recipe for garlic butter here too, but these flatbreads are lovely just as they are alongside some soup, with a fresh salad or dunked in some homemade dip.

1. Add all the flatbread ingredients to a mixing bowl and mix together with a spoon, then use clean hands to pat and bring everything together.

2. Dust a clean work surface with flour, then tip out the dough.

3. Knead for a minute or so to bring it all together (this isn’t a traditional bread recipe, so you don’t need to knead it for long – just enough time to bring everything together).

4. Put the dough into a floured-dusted bowl and cover with a plate, then leave aside.

5. If making the garlic butter: peel the garlic cloves and crush them with a garlic crusher.

6. Pick the herb leaves onto a chopping board and finely chop them, discarding the stalks.

7. Melt the butter in a small pan over a medium heat, then stir through the garlic and chopped herbs, then set aside.

8. Dust a clean work surface and rolling pin with flour, then divide the dough in half, then divide each half into 6 equal-sized pieces (roughly the size of a golf ball).

9. With your hands, pat and flatten the dough, then use a rolling pin to roll each piece into 12cm rounds, roughly 2mm to 3mm thick.

10. Use a knife to cut 6 lines into the centre of each round, leaving about 3cm at each end.

11. Place the griddle pan on a high heat, then once hot, cook each one for 1 to 2 minutes on each side, or until bar-marked and puffed up, turning with tongs.

12. Brush the flatbreads all over with herby garlic butter as they come off the griddle, then pile onto a serving board so everyone can dig in and help themselves.
