Roasted Chicken with Root Veggies and Farro by Colleen

This dish was inspired by our sister-in-law Laddie's grandparents.  I think her recipe may have used a whole chicken, but no one eats dark meat here but me.  I just used chicken breast on the bone.  I think her version my have had onions in the veggies.  You could also do turnips or rutabaga or kohlrabi.

Her version had white rice instead of farro but I was trying to go for something a little healthier and more hearty. Farro is supposed to be really good for you.

I cut the veggies pretty big so they wouldn't get mushy.  You could also add thyme or even stuff the interior of a whole chicken with a lemon.

Anyway, it is dead easy and very much a comfort food.


Roasted Chicken with Root Veggies and Farro

Chicken breasts
Garlic Cloves
Olive oil
Salt and Pepper

1 cup farro
2 cups liquid (chicken broth)
olive oil

Cut up carrots and celery and put in base of roaster.  Add a few whole garlic cloves.  Place chicken pieces on top of veggies and drizzle with olive oil.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Cover with foil and roast at 375 degrees for 30-40 minutes.  Remove foil and roast until meat is done.

In pot on stove, make farro according to package directions.  One cup farro to two cups liquid.  Same method as rice.  I added salt, olive oil, and chicken bouillon cube.

Put farro on platter.  Place chicken pieces on edge and pour veggies and drippings onto farro.


Good rainy day food.

Also, I removed garlic cloves before serving.  You could add other root veggies as desired.

