Banana Bars

Back in the 70's people came up with all kinds of recipes that were "healthier" because they had vegetables or fruit in them.  I've been revisiting some of them lately and I'm rather shocked but what we considered healthy at the time.  I still make them occasionally as a sweat treat from my childhood.  My conservative mother had this one book of "hippie" recipes, and the banana bars were our favorite.  It's basically a wetter cookie recipe, where banana replaces a some of the fat and sugar.  Next time I think I'll try reducing the sugars from 2/3 of a cup to 1/2, and see how I like it.

3/4 C butter (170g)
2/3 C sugar (150g)
2/3 C brown sugar (160g)
2 medium mashed bananas (245g)
1 egg 
1 tsp vanilla (7g)
1/2 tsp salt (3g) unless using salted butter
2 tsp baking pwd (7g)
12 oz choco chips (300g)
2 C flour (300g)

Cream butter, egg, sugars, vanilla, bananas, salt
Add half of the flour and baking powder
Add choco chips, mix
Add rest of flour
Spoon into well greased pan 9 x 13
Bake 25 min at 350 F or until done in center
