A fun cooking class at Bazaar!

Last week I presented a cooking class at Bazaar Olive Oil on two evenings, featuring their great selection of olive oils, including some tasty infused ones, and balsamic vinegars.

The theme of the class was appetizers and first courses (and one sweet) from around the Mediterranean.  We had ones from Turkey, Sicily, Morocco, Spain and France.  For dessert, we had tiramisu from Italy. 

Several folks who saw the photo above, which came from the Bazaar Facebook page, asked for the asparagus recipe.  Later, I'll post a couple of the others but for now, here it is!


1 ½ pounds fresh asparagus  
1/4 cup chipotle olive oil                                       
Salt and freshly ground pepper

Cilantro Sauce:

1 cup crème fraiche                                                    
½ cup cilantro, minced                                                  
2 tablespoons Persian lime olive oil
1/2 cup purchased salsa verde
Grated zest and juice of one lime
A handful of grape tomatoes, quartered

 Preheat the oven to 400o.  If the asparagus is thin, just cut off the tough lower part.  If it’s fat asparagus, trim off the very bottom and then peel about 1/3 of the way from the bottom with a vegetable peeler.  Brush the chipotle oil on the asparagus, put in one layer on a baking sheet and bake until just barely tender crisp, depending on the thickness. Let cool to room temperature.

For the dressing, mix all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse several times to just combine.

Arrange the asparagus on a serving platter.  Drizzle the dressing across the center of the spears and garnish with the tomatoes. Serves 8 as a first course.
