Want to make different flavors in one batch?

Hi guys, many of you know that my recipes that I give out are usually too big for anyone to eat by themselves for just one flavor. Of course I usually never make my recipes that big unless someone wants to order 24 of them. I split them up either into 1/2's, 1/3's, or 1/4's of a recipe. That way I can make a full batch but have up to 4 flavors. The way you do this is very simple, some of you may have figured it out already.

For two flavors, you would do my usual recipe, but you split it in half. If you're making mango for example, you split my mango recipe in half. So the recipe would look like this:

75g almond flour
68g powdered sugar
7g freeze dried mangoes
25g egg whites
pinch of salt

And you put this in one bowl.

For another flavor, for example red velvet, you would split my red velvet recipe in half as well. So the recipe would look like this:

75g almond flour
73g powdered sugar
4g cocoa powder
25g egg whites
pinch of salt

And you put this in another bowl.

For the meringue, you would make it as normal, but instead of putting the whole meringue in one bowl, you divide the meringue into two portions: 80g and 80g. The total weight of the meringue is 160g or so, so just weigh your bowls, tare it, and then put in 80g of meringue. Then bake as normal!:)

For three flavors in one batch, you would do my usual recipe, but split it in thirds. So if you're making three flavors: mint chip, red velvet, and mango, the recipe would look like this split in three bowls:

50g almond flour
50g powdered sugar
17g egg whites
small amount of mint extract
pinch of salt

50g almond flour
47g powdered sugar
5g freeze dried mangoes
17g egg whites
pinch of salt

50g almond flour
48g powdered sugar
2g cocoa powder
17g egg whites
pinch of salt

Make the meringue as usual, and weigh out 55g meringue for each one.

Simple, right? And for four flavors, just split the half recipe in half. :) So you would be making about 38g almond flour, 38g powdered sugar, and about 12-13g egg whites. And for meringue, it would be 40g.

Hope you find this useful!:D
