Pistachio Macarons with a Pistachio Custard Buttercream (Italian Meringue Recipe)

Hi guys! I figured this flavor of macaron is the one that really defines your macarons because many places that I've went to who had pistachio macarons did not taste like pistachio at ALL. I've worked pretty hard on this recipe, so enjoy and please credit me :) I just want everyone to taste the true nature of a pistachio macaron. It has a great nutty creamy flavor, with salty elements that keep it from being too sweet. My mom loves them, and she hates sweets. That tells you something. :O

What really irritates me the most is when online bloggers/instagrammers/tumblrers/random people don't give out their recipes. I know damn well that you looked this recipe up on google too ok?! You should be grateful to people who give out recipes. I had to take an $80 class to learn this sort of recipe, but I kept modifying it to my standards and tastes. It was similar to notsohumblepie's recipe, except for a few slight sugar reductions. Listen, if you're not a worldwide business and you are just a home cook, why the hell not would you give out the recipe? You damn well got it from someone else. If no one gave out recipes, then no one would know how to cook at home. Ok. end rant. On to the recipe :)

Pistachio Macarons with a Pistachio Custard Buttercream (Italian Meringue Recipe), makes about 24 completed macarons or 48 shells

-120g almond meal/flour (I use Trader Joe's Blanched Slivered Almonds and grind them in a food processor)
-30g shelled pistachios
-150g powdered sugar
-50g egg whites (do not have to be aged)
-Gel food coloring (optional)
-2 tsp cornstarch (if weather is humid)
-pinch of salt
-1/3 cup ground shelled pistachios, for sprinkling (optional)

Italian Meringue:
-120g granulated sugar
-55g egg whites (do not have to be aged)
-40g water

-Candy thermometer
-Kitchen/postal scale
-Piping bags/large round tip (These give the most perfect results if that's what you're going for)
-Good insulated baking sheets (I use Nordic Ware Baker's Half Sheet)
-Parchment paper or silpats (I prefer silpats but parchment is nice too)
-Stand mixer (recommended, but it is possible with a hand mixer, just takes longer)
-Rubber Spatula/pastry scraper

1. Process together your almond flour, pistachios, and powdered sugar in a food processor until finely ground. Sift together into a large bowl.
2. Add the 50g egg whites and mix until it becomes a dough-like consistency, and add in your food coloring. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside. (or you can do this after your meringue is made so you don't have to put plastic wrap over it)
3. For the meringue, beat your 55g egg whites in the bowl of your stand mixer until frothy, then add a pinch of sugar if you'd like to stabilize the egg whites. Beat until soft peaks form, then turn the mixer down to low or 'stir' so that they don't deflate. DO NOT OVERBEAT EGG WHITES AT THIS STAGE. VERY IMPORTANT...if you do, your macarons will be hollow.
4. At the same time, put the water and sugar in a small saucepan over the stove at medium-high heat and attach your candy thermometer. When the mixture gets bubbly with no spots of unboiled sugar or 240 degrees Fahrenheit on your candy thermometer, take the sugar syrup off heat and slowly pour it into the egg whites, while turning up your mixer to medium-high speed. Let it beat until the bowl of the stand mixer is body temperature, and holds a nice 'beak'. The meringue should be stiff, shiny, and smooth.
5. Then add 1/3 of the meringue to the mass just to lighten it up, making it easier to fold into the meringue. Fold with a rubber spatula just a bit until no white spots are showing. Keep folding until the batter is thick but still flowing.
7. Once the batter will fall of the spatula with a thick ribbon-like consistency, you are ready to pipe them. Pipe 1-1.5 inch diameter circles onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper or Silpat. Now is a good time to preheat your oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
8. Once you are done piping, drop the sheets a couple times on the counter to get rid of air bubbles and flatten out any peaks on your macarons.
9. Now let them rest for 15-20 minutes, or until the macarons are dry to the touch.
10. Bake for 10-13 minutes, depending on how solid you want your macarons. I recommend 12. Also only bake one tray at a time so that it is baked with even heat.
11. Let them cool completely before taking them off the baking sheets with an offset spatula.

Pistachio Custard Buttercream
-2 egg yolks
-1/3 cup sugar
-7 tbsp milk
-7 tbsp butter
-1 1/2 tsp almond extract
-1/3 cup ground shelled pistachios

1. Whisk egg yolks and sugar together in a small saucepan.
2. Add the milk and whisk to combine.
3. Turn on the stove over medium-low heat and cook until thick while stirring continuously.
4. After it thickens, strain the mixture through a sieve to catch any curdled egg yolk and transfer to a mixing bowl. Let it cool down to room temperature.
5. In the meantime, grind your pistachios in a food processor pretty finely almost like a powder.
6. Once egg mixture is cooled, beat in your softened butter, pistachios, and almond extract until smooth.
7. Now sandwich similar sized shells together and store in the fridge at least 24 hours so that the flavors meld and softens up the shell a bit. Serve at room temperature for a better taste experience.

I really enjoy this macaron! It definitely tastes like pistachio, and of course you can tell it is a pistachio macaron because of the pistachios on top and in the filling. I just hate when macarons don't taste like what it's supposed to. :( This is probably my most popular flavor among my customers :)
