Strawberry Crème Brûlée

I found this wonderful desert during my times scrolling through Pinterest which is really addictive by the way!

As always this recipe isn't mine I got it from the source listed below so all goes to Emily Hobs who's recipe this is. Okay guys and girls enjoy the Strawberry Crème Brûlée and remember to keep on learning your French!

Here is the White Chocolate-Strawberry Crème Brûlée shared by Emily. This is a French desert with a twist of Florida strawberry. She adds the strawberries because of their sweet taste and because it's her absolute best fruit.


8 large egg yolks
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups heavy cream
3/4 cup granulated sugar, plus 6 teaspoons
4 ounces chopped white chocolate
1 quart Florida strawberries, stemmed, finely chopped
Preheat oven to 350°F. Place 8 (1 cup) ramekins in a large roasting pan; fill roasting pan with enough hot water to come halfway up sides of ramekins. The hot water keeps the humidity up in the oven, preventing the custards from cracking.

Now go ahead and whisk together yolks and vanilla until they form as one.

Bring 3/4 of a cup of sugar to simmer over medium heat together with cream. Remember to whisk frequently. Now remove the pan from heat and stir everything in white chocolate till it melts. Then whisk the hot cream into yolks. Here comes the best part: Sprinkle strawberries into each ramekin whilst pouring cream over the strawberries then bake for 40-45 minutes.

Take the ramekins to a rack and let them cool for 30 minutes before putting them in the frig and leave them there for about 2 hours. Afterwards serve with some custard and teaspoon of sugar.

