French Croissant desert

Hey guys today I’m back with another super tasty recipe. When I made my last post yesterday I started thinking that maybe I should add more French stuff to the blog. So I went to my trusty source in online recipes, Pinterest!

So I got another awesome French recipe, again a dessert one. This time it’s a yummy French croissant with strawberries. Below is the recipe, enjoy! 

Croissant French
Croissant French
Add a bit of glamour to your French toast.
3 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Oil for frying

Slice croissants in half and set out to dry a little (better egg absorbtion).

Make egg wash by beating eggs in container, large enough to dunk bread slices.

In small cup mix baking soda and milk. Then mix into egg wash.

Heat a little oil in large skillet about 1/8 to 1/4 inch. Test oil by adding a drop of egg wash to oil.
When desired temperature is reached, dunk the in egg wash. Fry until golden brown and cooked through.
