Sweet Banana Flambée to heal that broken dream

Banana Raisins Rhum Flambée

It's been a long while I haven't been here. You must have been wondering what happened to my kitchen. I do apologize for this long inadvertent hiatus in the blogging world. My life in the past few months has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions; The move from my "tranquil" abode in the sunny part of France to the bustling city of Manila in South Asia. The reality of my childhood dream, the opening of my restaurant. And the hurtful decision to close it after few months of operation. We all make mistakes but what matters in life is seeing to it that we always try to bounce back everytime we fall. I know things happen for a reason. And if not for those failures that I made I will never realized how passionately in love I am with cooking.

My pasta restaurateur stint is over. I'm passing on the torn to it's dynamic new owner :-) and I can't wait to start my new cooking project only this time I see to it that neither my family nor my personal life is sacrificed in return.

Enjoy this easy and yummy dessert to make use of your overriped bananas in the kitchen!

Banana Raisin Rhum Flambée


overripe bananas (count two per persons)
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon of raisins
1 tablespoons of lemon juice
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
half a cup of Rhum
scoop of vanila ice-cream

Heat your pan, add the butter, brown sugar and bananas. Cook them until it caramelizes. Pour the lemon juice. Add the Rhum and burn it on top. Serve with a scoop of ice-cream!
