Warm Goat's Cheese Salad

Warm Goat's Cheese Salad with Honey and Walnuts

Serves 4.

Goat cheese - 8 slices
Mixture of salad leaves
Balsamic dressing
Whole wheat bread - 8 slices
Honey - About 8 teaspoons
Salt and pepper
Olive Oil - About 8 teaspoons
1 handful walnuts, toasted in a hot oven for 5 minutes
Herbes de provence

1. Wash, dry and tear the lettuce and place on a plate.
2. Season with balsamic dressing, pepper and salt.
3. Slice the bread and put one table spoon of honey on each slice of bread.
4. Place the goats cheese on top, add olive oil and herbes de provence.
5. Place in a hot oven until the cheese starts to go brown.
6. Place the toasted bread on top of the lettuce. scatter walnuts and serve immediately.

.......bon appétit .....
