Typical Vietnamese Cuisine Pho Bo

Typical Vietnamese Cuisine Pho Bo
fndrecipes.blogspot.com - Taste all kinds of dishes from different regions of a country is exciting. If you stop by the Vietnam must taste the cuisine called Pho Bo or collectively, Meat Soup. Terbebut cuisine is very delicious. Here are the ingredients needed to make Pho Bo, and how to make it.

Typical Vietnamese Cuisine Pho Bo
The materials needed to make Pho Bo consists of the main ingredients, soaking sauce, Nuoc leo bo, gravy, and complement. Here's a list and composition.

500 grams kuetiau wet, wash with hot water, drained
300 grams beef sukiyaki
3 tablespoons oil
200 grams of bean sprouts
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 pieces of red chili, thinly sliced
Soaking sauce:
6 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 / 2 teaspoon ground pepper
Nuoc leo bo:
1 kilogram of beef bones
2 cm ginger, sliced
1 piece star anise
1 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon ground pepper
2 liters of water
2 stalks sere, crushed
1 cinnamon stick
2 tablespoons green onion, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons coriander leaves, finely sliced
2 tablespoons karasmin leaves, thinly sliced
2 pieces of lemon

Now start making / cooking Pho Bo starts from soaking Sauce: Mix all ingredients, mix well, set aside. Enter the beef sukiyaki into the sauce soaking, leave for 2 hours. Heat the oil, then enter the last beef, saute until meat stiff and slightly brown, remove from heat.
Then make Nuoc leo bo: Mix all ingredients, stir well, cook until sauce boils and stay 1 liter (for 2-3 hours over low heat), lift, strain.
As for the sauce: Mix nuoc leo bo, sere, and cinnamon, stir well, cook until boiling, remove from heat.
Arrange in a bowl kuetiau, bean sprouts, onions, red peppers, and beef, then flush with boiling sauce, sprinkle with spring onion, coriander leaves, and leaf karasmin on it.
Serve the stew along with orange juice
