Healthy Mango Cake

Healthy Mango Cake - Eating healthy food can be anything and in many ways. One of them can make Mango Cake. Make a cake with mango addition it will increase the vitamin in the cake. Raw ingredients used to make Mango Cake is 250 grams of margarine, 200 grams sugar, 5 eggs, 200 grams of wheat flour, 25 grams of milk powder, 25 grams of corn flour, 200 grams of candied mango, cut into small.
Healthy Mango Cake
How to Make a delicious Mango Cake is the first beat margarine and sugar until white and enter the eggs one at a time while continuing to be whipped until fluffy. Sift flour, milk powder, and cornstarch over batter. Mix well. Pour the mango pieces. Stir and put into loaf mold that has been dioles margarine and covered with baking paper. Oven until cooked.
