Like Foods Crunchy? Chicken Fried Flour Solutions

Like Foods Crunchy? Chicken Fried Flour Solutions - delicious crunchy foods eaten. There is a sensation when first bite. Chicken Fried Flour made ​​crunchy also seemed nice. The kids also like it if it is not too soft. To make it very simple, just stay plus flour. Named Chicken Fried Flour.

Like Foods Crunchy? Chicken Fried Flour Solutions
The materials need to be prepared is 200 grams chicken, 2 cloves garlic, crushed. salt and pepper to taste, 100 grams of corn flour and cooking oil to taste.
Like Foods Crunchy? Chicken Fried Flour Solutions
To make the first slices of chicken meat, give a subtle garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with cornstarch until blended, then fried in hot oil until cooked. Remove and serve with lemon slices and tomato sauce.
