Healthy Snacks - White Fruit Cake

Healthy Snacks - White Fruit Cake - Want to eat healthy foods, this may be one that healthy food because it is made from fruit. This food is a White Fruit Cake
How to make? 
Surely not too difficult and we can make it at home. Now we start, first whipped butter 220 grams and 300 grams of white sugar until smooth. Add 4 egg yolks, then beat until blended. Enter the things that nourish the fruits of 150 grams of candied cherries, currants 100 grams, 60 grams of mixed peel, 300 grams of raisins (or to use as your taste and preference) and 60 ml of orange juice. Enter 180 g wheat flour. Beat 4 egg whites until stiff and add to the batter, stirring until blended.
Healthy Snacks - White Fruit Cake

Pour all the batter into the pan, then bake in oven 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. Once cooked remove and let cool. Done, good luck ... ^ _ ^
