A Tasty Cake Pie Kurma

A Tasty Cake 'Pie Kurma'
fndrecipes.blogspot.com - Who does not like with kurma? Surely only a few were not happy with Kurma, foods derived from the Arabic has a natural sweetness. Kurma can be used as an extra in making any cuisine, one example is the Pie Kurma.
A Tasty Cake 'Pie Kurma'
How to make a Pie Kurma is not hard and not complicated.
It's easy, first we make skins for pie. Beat granulated sugar 50 grams and 125 grams of margarine until soft. Add 1 egg yolk and beat until blended. After that add 250 grams of wheat flour, stirring until blended. Enter the pie dough into a mold that has spread with margarine before so that will not stick, pin-prick bottom with fork.
A Tasty Cake 'Pie Kurma'
Second we make the cake. Shake 80 grams of sugar and 8 egg yolks until fluffy, then enter the 60 grams of wheat flour and 15 grams of milk powder mix well. Enter and beat the butter and stir until blended.
Pour cake batter over the pie shell and bake in the oven to 170 degrees Celsius. Once cooked, remove and add the butter cream ready-made, attach a Kurma that has been split into two. Garnish pie according to your taste, Pie Kurma are ready to be served. Good luck ... :)
