Recipe Chicken Rica Rica

Ayam Rica-rica Recipe - This time I will give you the recipes of Chicken Rica-rica cuisine, along with how to make it. No need to elaborate in the making, simple and very easy. The resulting flavor is definitely very delicious and tasty.

First, prepare 1 chicken was already cleaned and cut into 4 parts. Prepare the seasoning consists of 6 red onions, 2 tomatoes, 4 garlic, 1 ginger, 1 teaspoon sugar, 100 grams of red pepper, and salt to taste. All seasoning mashed. Heat 1 cup oil then sauté the ingredients until evenly and smell fragrant.

Then add 300 cc of water and cook the chicken until half cooked, remove from heat. Grilled chicken over medium heat while in basting with spice that has been provided equally.
