A Pricey and Luxury Food called Macadamias

Macadamias recipe
Seeds are visible in the picture is Macadamias. Ordinary found in north eastern Australia, but grew well in Hawaii. Macadamias are a pale beige bean has a hard outer shell, thick brown. So to break it down to-use tool breaker fruit, tend to be sold already peeled because it is difficult in the strip.

As a pricey, luxury food, they are primarily eaten raw or salted and served as a cocktail snack, but their creamy, waxy texture is increasingly appreciated in cooking, especially sweet baking. Macadamias also produce high quality oils and nut butters.

When finely crushed macadamias are a good crumb coating for chicken and fish. They can be used in desserts and biscuits and match particularly well with caramel, white chocolate, pineapple and ice cream. Macadamias can also be used in place of pecans in pecan pie, and as a substitute for exotic candlenuts in Indonesian cooking.
