Kacang Putih (Frosted Peanuts)

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and for those having a white Christmas – lucky you – keep warm and have fun in the snow!

Oh look, there's snow on my peanuts! The snow's melted and turned into ice!
There was an Indian "kacang putih man" in my primary school, and frosted peanuts were my second favouritest amongst the 20 or so items he sold. I loved kacang putih but every time I was at the kacang putih stand, I looked longingly at the cashew nuts which cost – gasp! – 50 cents! My pocket money at the time was only 30 cents each day . . . . Or was it 40 cents? At 10 cents per cone, kacang putih was the wiser and more affordable option.

The part I liked best about eating kacang putih was unfurling the paper cone at the end and digging out the last peanut hiding in the bottom. The last bite was the sweetest! And it still is, 'cause I still go through the same ritual whenever I eat kacang putih
Kacang putih, meaning white peanuts, are quite appropriate for Christmas, don't you think? The paper cones are great for serving a big party. They're novel or nostalgic, depending on which era you're from.

Whatever you're eating and drinking this Christmas, have a good one!

(Recipe for 4 persons)

200 g skinless, toasted peanuts (1 cup)
⅔ cup sugar

Heat sugar with over medium heat without stirring. When sugar is melted, reduce heat to low. Whisk vigorously with a pair of chopsticks till mixture thickens slightly. (Be careful of the hot sugar.) Add peanuts and stir till evenly coated. Remove peanuts. Serve, in paper cones if you like. Or store in an airtight container or in the fridge.

If you like lots of icing, add warm peanuts to the melted sugar. If you use cold peanuts, the icing is thinner because some sugar solidifies before sticking to the peanuts.
