Roasted Red Pepper Bruschetta

Roasted Red Pepper Bruschetta

On Sunday, Emily prepared bruschetta to go with our Easter dinner, using Steve and Colleen's friend's Roasted Red Pepper Dip.  I had made it on Friday night, so we had leftovers.  She sawed off (inside joke) a slice of bread, then added a slice of aged Provolone cheese, spooned the roasted red pepper dip on top, then toasted the whole thing in the toaster oven, until the cheese melted, but did not burn.  Very, very tasty.

The recipe called for crushed red peppers.  They were in the same aisle, on the same shelf, as the jar of roasted red peppers. The crushed red peppers were an important element to the success of the dip.

We all preferred the bruschetta variation over the cracker version which we had on Friday night.  FYI - I made a one jar version versus two that the recipe called for.  The jar had seven peppers in it.  It was more than enough.
