Easy Chocolate Mousse by Colleen

Thanks for being guest blogger, Colleen!

Today I made chocolate mousse. The chocolate cheesecake was gone (Charlotte's favorite) so I made mousse.

Here is the recipe. It only has three ingredients:

12 ounces milk chocolate chips,
8 ounces water,
2 cups heavy cream.

Put the chocolate chips with the water in a bowl over a wide pan with about 1 inch of water. Heat the water and melt the chocolate until smooth, stirring frequently. Take off the water and let cool.

Whip the cream until JUST BEGINNING to take shape. It should still be very soft and flowy. It will look too loose to be right, but it is. When the chocolate is cool (does not feel warm on the top of your lip) then fold the whipped cream into the chocolate and blend thoroughly. You can put the mousse into individual dishes, or one family-style bowl. Refrigerate. It will take longer to set in the large bowl. Serve with berries, whipped cream, chocolate shavings, etc. Very rich.

This is from Bittersweet by Alice Medrich. It is a technical recipe. You overwhip the cream and something bad happens. I don't know what, as I haven't managed to do that, but perhaps it goes grainy? I like the fact that there are no eggs involved.

Comments from Barbara: Made it for guests coming over tonight---needed something quick and easy for a Friday night dinner. Yes, indeed, it is an easy mousse. I was nervous about whipping the cream correctly, but sailed through. Made it at lunch time and it was firm by 4 when I took this photo. Thanks again, Colleen, for contributing!
