Chocolate Almond Soft Caramel Muffin

Would you ever believe that my passion for cooking emanated from childhood cleverness of sneaking into the kitchen for food behind my mom's watchful eye . Well you see I was always hungry and we weren't allowed to eat candies and junk foods in between meals so my only solution was to ransack what was chopped on the table. My parents discouraged us to be in the kitchen for simple reason that they find it dangerous for children. And I agree with that sans hesitation.

Now that I am a mom myself seeing my little girl's antic for food in the kitchen is a deja vu situation! After all history repeats itself. I thought that since my daughter love being in the kitchen might as well teach her to participate in cooking simple stuffs. Yesterday, after her long day in school we spent a bonding moment of cooking and playing and we both loved it. I was planning only to bake a simple chocolate almond muffin but her playful move made a soft caramel candy she was chewing to fall innocently on the muffin pan. Well the result was amazing and we'll definitely doing it again.

Here's my entry to this month's Heart of the Matter: Seeds and Things a healthy food event created and hosted by Michelle of Accidental Scientist, and her co-host Ilva of Luccullian Delights.

Chocolate Almond Soft Caramel Muffin
for 6-8 muffins

125 g of flour
100 g of almond meal
75 g of sugar
half a teaspoon of baking powder
a pinch of salt
1 egg
20 cl of milk
10 cl of peanut oil
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
100 g of choco chips
soft caramel candies (any brand even home-made :-)

Preheat the oven at 210°C. In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients: flour, almond meal , sugar, salt , cocoa powder and baking powder. Then add the egg, milk and oil. Mix them well. Fold into the mixture your chocolate chips. Put soft caramel candies at the bottom of your buttered muffin pan and laddle your muffin mixture. Fill them only 3/4 the way if you want to have pointed tip muffin. Bake for about 20 minutes.
