When it rains it pours....

When an awful something unexpectedly strikes us it is only human to feel miserable and devastated. I remember when I was a kid, everytime I was intensely happy I was always scared that something negative would happen anytime. As if somehow I feel subconsciously that I have no right to be enourmously joyful or else...

Two weeks ago, I was happy as a clam in a butter sauce; there was our unforgettable London trip and then the radiant wedding of my sister in law. Everything was doing well, until last Saturday when I received the phone call of my sister telling me about the recent catastrophe that hit Philippines. A strong typhoon striked and left lots of families homeless and the death toll still continues to rise. My family was luckily spared but there lots of others that are suffering. They need our love and prayers.

I will be back with my regular blogging in a few days. Please bear with me.
