London, here and there

I'm finally back from our one week London trip. I must admit that I was a bit skeptic on having a great weather there and was sad to leave the beautiful sun here in Provence. But much to my surprise we had a fantastic sunny blue sky during our London escapade while a gloomy wetty weather was unexpectedly waiting for us here in France.

Meanwhile hope you all enjoy this bunch of photos I took from my "still broken camera" to keep everyone entertained this weekend. As I told you last time that our vacation was sort of "last minute'ly" decided and purchased nothing was prepared which is not very me when it comes to travelling and vacation :-).

I have heard so many times about London and its attractions and I was really looking forward in enjoying them all and of course to have my picture taken in front of it! What I didn't expect was how beautiful and charming this city is. We took a low-cost plane between Marseille and London and arrived there around midnight. We rented a flat in a lovely 17th century Mansion few blocks from Gloucester Underground station. It was immaculately clean with a small kitchen and a balcony. And to top it all we had a chamber maid that' was like a magician in cleaning up all the mess behind us every single day we were there. I told hubby that I want one when will be back in France. :-)

With the short time we had we didn't waste a single moment to visit each of them running here in there with our baby pushchair. My daughter was really behaved during the entire trip and she loved museums! Hahahaha! Anyways London is not London without seeing Westminster Abbey, London Eye, the British Museum, Picadilly Circus and the Tower Bridge. I enjoyed the "yeoman guide" that were garbed in red costumes and tells theatrically all the juicy gossips of the royalties. I almost had a fight in the tower when was told I couldn't bring my daughter's baby puschair but having heard all those stories of heads chopped off and people tortured in that part of the castle I immediately listened to them. After all history repeats itself.

On our gastronmic escapade however we went beyond "fish and chips" and "potato jacket" menus. We tried several restaurants and one of my favorite was an authentic Thai Restaurant were both ambiance and food was really amazing. The chicken pandan really melted on my mouth and one of these days I will try to do this Thai dish. After enjoying some freshly made vegetable gyoza's at Japan Center on the second day I suggested hubby we try eating at Wagamama for some Ramen. But I was disappointed with their Ramen: the noodles were overcooked, the soup was not really boiling hot and I tasted some Ramen far better when I was in Japan. But my favorite of all was "fooding" at Camden market. The ambiance is vibrant and dynamic with different food stalls freshly made right in front of you for a not so hefty price. I had one dozen of freshly made donuts, a slice of dulche de leche tart, blueberry muffins and what else ahhh I had some Bagels that were really heavenly good!!

Sigh, some good things never last. Till here and I will be back with my regular blogging activities next week. Tomorrow is my sister-in-law's wedding where I am supposed to sing so you imagine my feelings right at this moment. I'll be sharing again some photos next week it's a promise and probably a youtube video of me singing ;-)
