Weekend Herb Blogging #195 the Round up

My freshly picked herbs this morning

Yes, I'm finally doing this, the gorgeous round-up for Weekend Herb Blogging! But first of all I would like again to thank Haalo for kindly helping me out with this hosting and all the Food blogging community for all your love and generosity!

Our first entry comes from none other than the talented Kalyn the creator of WHB and If you are a Basil lover her entry is a must to read. Her post gives a useful information about Basil and conserving them. I bet this is an interesting read.

Our next dish is from Anna of Morsels and Musings she concocted us an interesting dish of Milk Braised Porc Cavolo Nero. She beautifully explained this amazing vegetable Cavolo Nero, if you want to know more about it go check her post.

Third on the list is a vitamin packed dish prepared by the charming Daphne of More than Words, Honey Roasted Spiced Pumpkin and Carrot. I am a great fan of her blog because she always comes up with interesting recipes!

And to beat the heat of the summer, enjoy this delicious Herb Marinated Mozzarella Salad all the way from Switzerland made for us by Myriam of Once Upon a Cakestand. And I should say she's a regular to WHB for she adores veggies, fruits and herbs go check out her blog to admire it for yourself!

You will never look at eggplant the same way again after seeing how gorgeously my sweet sweet friend Anh of Food Lover's Journey concocted a simple and yet appetizing dish of eggplants. I know she's busy but she still managed to send me one and I truly appreciate it. By the way she's the host of WHB this week.

Sandeepa from Bong Mom's Cookbook prepared us something soothing and relaxing, Lime Balm Tea. What is so different from her tea is that they were made lemon balm herb freshly plucked from her garden. Don't forget to check out her post!

Lovely Katie from Eat This send us over a simple, healthy and yet delicious recipe of Refrigerator Pickles and Banana Pepper. I bet that title made you drool. If you want to know more about this appetizer go check her blog!

Minu of Chettinad Fiesta believes that greens have always a special place in their cooking because of their health benefits. And I totally agree with her. And what a way to celebrate this week's WHB through this mouth-watering spinach Indian dish called Keerai Masiyal is such a great discovery. Don't fail to visit her post!

Here's another delectable salad for the summer Fresh Pea Salad whip up by Jerry from Jerry's Thoughts. His post talked about useful information on selecting, storing and using fresh peas, indeed a must read!
The simplest recipes are always the best! Anna of Anna's Cool Finds simmered us this beautiful Cream of Celery Soup. Isn't that title refreshing? And I tell you she even bakes her own bread, hmmm. Well to enjoy more of her dish don't miss her post.

The talented Pam of Sidewalk Shoes whip us up an impressive Roasted Fish on Fennel Fronds. In her post she shared about the story of her "mysterious fish", so if you want to know more about this what are you waiting for go read her post.

Seafood and Miso Sour Soup, I am definitely sure you haven't heard nor tasted something like this before. The lovely Iska of Iskandals concocted us a mouth-watering Filipino specialty dish of sour soup. She beautifully used some local greens and ingredients to make this dish even more exciting. Don't miss her post!

Time for a drool worthy dessert! Let's enjoy this decadent Mint Chocolate Chip Ice-cream superbly made by Winnie of Blog Healthy Green Lifestyle. Her blog is not only about delicious recipes but also about healthy green living, surely a blog to drop by. And a big round of applause for accepting this week's challenge!

Have you ever heard of Elder Berry Jelly before? Well our talented blogger from italy Brii from Briiblog shared with us her much treasured recipe for this jelly. And to know more about this fruit don't fail to check her out!

I am so honored that Haalo of Cook Almost Anything concocted us a yummy and unique dessert of Dark chocolate Sponge and blue cheese. Yes you are not mistaken, Chocolate and blue cheese are deliciously perfect together. For more WHB guidelines and hosting schedules or simply interesting posts and photography don't miss her out.

If you love italian dishes you should surely not miss this refreshing vegetable Italian dish Salsina Modenese prepared to us with love by Cinzia from Cindy Star. This is a special recipe of summer vegetables from her grandmother. If you are curious to know more about this don't miss her post.

And lastly but not the least is this mouth-watering Summer Pudding of chocolate and raspberries concocted by sweet Gloria of Canela's Kitchen. For more of her fantastic creations don't fail to drop by at her kitchen. Gracias ma hermana!
And another one last entry, prepared to us by talented Oggi of I can do that, Tomatoes, Apples and Hazelnut Crisp. Isn't that healthy, yummy and original. She is one of bloggers I truly admire for she can always make something special and unique. Don't miss her blog.

That’s all! These indeed are all colorful entries for this week WHB. It was such a busy week for me and took a bit of time to compile. I hope you enjoy reading them and inspired to cook something tonight! Thanks again and see you all next week for another edition of WHB, which is gonna be hosted by Anh of Food Lover's Journey.
