Pain au lait

What I have to give up in the morning living here in France....

1. Those lousy morning perked up by the smell of strong coffee called Kapeng Barako that my dad used to boil over and over again...

2. The taste of hot pandesal buns freshly delivered by the neighbor spread with some Coconut jam, dunked into a hot coffee and ends up in my hungry mouth...

3. The delicious scent of (although this is subjective for in here they considered it stinky in the morning) dried fish served with garlic fried rice and sugar cane vinegar....

4. The busy and noisy neighborhood that I grew up where people peddle breakfast in the morning; champorado (chocolate rice pudding), fried noodles, rice based pastries, newspapers or even freshly catched gossip from the corner...:-)

Sigh...I have to give up all of these for a sweet, simple and soothing mornings of bread and jam. I am not complaining, let's just say an over baked croissant skinned girl in Europe was just simply yearning. And I guess only home-sick gourmet could understand what I am talking about.

I'm sending over some of these bread to Lore of Culinarty for her Original Recipes event. Don't miss to check the round-up!

Pain au Lait au fleur d'orange
Small Milk Bread with orange blossom water
for about 10 to 12 pieces

300 grams of flour (type 55) or about 2 and half cups
15 grams of fresh yeast
12.5 cl of milk (half a cup)
75 g of semi melted butter (about one stick)
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of orange blossom water
1 egg yolk for brushing

Dissolve the yeast on your warm milk, then add 100 grams of flour, mix them and let it stand for about 30 minutes or until the yeast activates. Add the rest of the ingredients: flour, butter orange blossom water and salt. Mix them well. Knead the dough to let the air enter into the dough and make the gluten act. Let it rise for about an hour and half. Form ten or twelve small balls then make that oval shaped of the bread. Let it rise again for thirty minutes. Brush them with the egg yolk. Pre-heat the oven at 210° and bake them for 15 to 20 minutes.
