Banoffee in Verrine and a short Break

Well after long years of service my camera is broken ...snif, snif

maybe it's just a message from up there telling me that I needed a short pause from blogging ;-)

Well friends I'll be in a short break probably somewhere in London, somewhere in Rome, somewhere in Greece...I don't know yet. That's the fun of this trip nothing is prepared LOL See you all soon!!

Banoffee in Verrine
I call this recipe of mine an express one!

150 g of Speculoos or any biscuit of your choice (like graham)

50 g of melted butter

3 bananas

some lemon juice

4 tablespoons of Dulche de leche

30 cl of very cold fresh cream

3 tablespoons of icing sugar

some grated chocolate for decoration

Crush your biscuits and pour the melted butter. Mix well. Spoon this as the first layer of your banoffee in your verrine glasses. Peel and cut your bananas to avoid discoloration add some lemon juice. Add them on your verrine glasses. Put the a layer of dulche de leche over the bananas. In a bowl, whisk your fresh cream and make a chantilly. Add the sugar little by little. Put this as a last layer on your glasses. Decorate with some grated chocolate on top.
