Raspberry Vodka Granita

Exhaustion, Rolex Watch, 41° Celsius and Michael Jackson

I was here. I was here all the time. But hey, no I wasn't.

Did it ever happen to you that you're there physically "in" but mentally "out"? For the past weeks I was totally worn out and I felt like I was in deep depression. No amount of chocolate theraphy could help me get out from the hole. And the worst thing of all it was so hard to keep afloat when things around you were flowery and delicious. I got lots of great news from my family; mom is getting better, sis just had a cool opportunity to work in a prestigious international hotel. The news were fabulous I should be jumping with joy but all I could say was "good" and back melancholic in my corner. That's not me. Hubby was excited and proud brandishing me his new rolex watch, a gift he received from his beloved uncle. Like a kid with his new toy I should be teasing him but I was just simply dead. I really don't know what occured to me. Was it the short retreat in the mountain of alps that gave me this after effect of loneliness and exhaustion? I'm still perplex. But everything changed since I got this call from the director of my daughter's nursery school asking me to fetch her for she was really sick. She had a 40°celsius fever and we needed to rush her to the doctor. As I was a lying on the couch last night with my daughter as we watch the hommage movie for Michael Jackson, oh don't tell me it's his departure that causing me this...

Here's my entry to Weekend Herb Blogging created by Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen, now in the caring hands of Haalo of Cook Almost Anything. This week's host is Cheryl of Gluten Free Goodness. Don't forget to check-out the round up.

And Ps, on moments like this, don't drown yourself on this granita :-)

Raspberry Vodka Granita


1 and a half cup of fresh raspberry
half a cup of sugar
1/3 cup of water
1 tablespoon of lime juice
2 jiggers of vodka (you can put more or less depending on your choice)

In a small casserole put the water and sugar. Warm it up and make a warm syrup without letting it boil. Put your lime juice on the syrup and remove from heat. Purée your raspberries with your electric blender then strain it to remove the seeds and pulp. Add the raspberry purée on the sugar-lime syrup. Pour your vodka in it. Stir them altogether and place in shallow container. I used an old ice-cream container. Freeze them for several hours in the fridge. Remember that you need to stir them every hour to break and have that granita consistency.
