Mango Apricot and Walnut Strudel

FLICKRing thoughts...

Days, months and years may have gone by but everytime I look at myself in the mirror there seems to be something that has never changed in me. Of course, I will always be a little girl inside of me who enjoys watching herself in the mirror but I'm always perplex on how people really sees me. For when I go out on the street, there will always be somebody who will approach me and ask me for something or would just simply strike a friendly conversation. And again I emphasize the word "always". People on all walks of life, of all ages and of different nationalities have one way or the other crossed my path and touched my life. A blind old woman lost at the station, or a bunch of tourist who needed assistance, some motorists who want directions or some young kid who lacks a cent to buy herself a sandwich. Without counting the jerks in the list I encounter from time to time. Sometimes, I even imagine myself bumping into a famous personality incognito in need and I'll be there to the rescue.

I look again at my impression on the mirror and asked myself what do I reflect? Is it an angelic gentle good samaritan spirit with caring hands or a gullible naive gal who is a sucker to these tricks?

Well whatever it is, I suppose life is just simply nice to me.

Here's my entry to this week's Weekend Herb Blogging , a blogging event created by Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen. I'm sending this off to Haalo of Cook Almost Anything our lovely host and the new the caretaker of this delicious event.

Mango Apricot Walnut Mini Strudel

Strudel dough
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus 1/4 cup for kneading
1 cup very warm water
4 tablespoons oil
Pinch salt
1/2 pound (2 sticks) butter, melted
Confectioners' sugar for dusting

Combine 2 cups flour, water, oil and salt. Mix well and let stand 10 minutes. Knead in remaining 1/4 cup flour until smooth and elastic. Place in oiled bowl, cover and let rest 1/2 hour.
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Cover table with cloth and sprinkle lightly with flour. Turn dough out onto tablecloth. Work your way around the table, stretching dough as thinly as possible. Remove the thick edges. Roll your dough and make small individual rectangular shape. I made mini strudels so it depends on your choice for the size.

Apricot Filling:
home-made apricot jam (recipe here)
mango jam
one cup of chopped walnuts
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
some butter for brushing
some brown sugar

Brush your dough with butter and powder with brown sugar. Place your apricot jam filling, chopped walnuts
at the edge of strudel dough. Then roll them gently from the side with the filling. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until golden. Bake them standing and top them with some chopped walnuts .Dust with confectioner's sugar when cool.
