Apricot Bread (Abricotine)

Get well soon....

Sleeping has become my enemy. For days, I guess maybe weeks, I have forgotten now, how many hours I have really slept. You know, that good night sleep without having to count how many sheeps have jumped over the fence nor scribbling blank thoughts on the ceiling. That good night sleep that makes you dream, that makes you travel, that makes you wonder that gives you happiness the day after. I dread bed. I wish to get out from this loop but I couldn't. This is the price we have to pay for being a nurturing parent.

The picture of my sick daughter's desperately haunt me, intensely. Medicines, warm milk and blanket are not as powerful as my loving arms to appease her. Oh my poor angel, she cries for me, she clamors for me. I symphatize her. Everytime I close my eyes, I dream that this is just a dream. And that tomorrow will be a better day.

This is one of my daughter's favorite bread. I feel like color orange; the color of the sun. Hoping for a better days for my little girl. I am sending off this to Nithya of A Culinary Odysssey the host for this week's Foods in Color: Express Your Mood that creative event created by Sunshinemom of Tounge Ticklers.

Apricot Bread (Abricotine)

For the bread dough see the recipe here:
for this vegetarian recipe I took off the eggwhite needed for brushing the dough.

half a kilo of fresh apricots cleaned, halved
half a cup of sugar
one vanilla pod
10 g of melted butter
3 tablespoons of almond shivels


Start by macerating your apricots with sugar and vanilla in a small casserole. Let it stand for two hours or until apricot gives off some juice. Cook it slowly over low fire for about five minutes. Set aside. Once the dough is ready, roll them on your floured surface. Cut small rectangular shapes and brush it with your butter. Put your apricot and make the two sides of your dough meet in the middle. Drizzle with sugar and almond shivels. Bake in a pre-heated oven( 180° celsius) for about 15-20 minutes.
