Raspberry Tiramisu and back from my Hiatus

I'm finally back from my long hiatus.

After my two months vacation I realized that I need far more time offline, off the blogging world to cook up all the juicy things bubbling in the back burner of my life. I know a lot of you are experiencing too this need to feel a little bit "unplug" to do some "stuffs" in our life.

Well weather is great here in Southern France and raspberries, strawberries and melons arrived earlier than usual. What else is there to complain? I'll be leaving you for a moment with this refreshing easy to make Tiramisu dessert with raspberries from our garden. I'm glad to be back!

I'll be sending some of my Tiramisu off to Zora of Gardenopolis,our host for this month's Grow Your Own a blogging event that celebrates things we grow from our garden. A delightful blogging event created by Andrea of Andreas Recipes.

Raspberry Tiramisu
for 4 to 5 persons

250 grams of raspberry
250 g of mascarpone (about 8 oz)
250 g of heavy cream (about 8 oz)
5 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of Dark Currant Liqueur (Creme de Cassis)
1 tablespoon of sugar
some ladyfingers
half a glass of raspberry juice
some raspberry and chocolate powder for decoration


In a bowl put one tablespoon of sugar and raspberries, toss them a little bit. In another bowl cream your mascarpone with an electric beater, add up the liqueur. In a separate bowl, prepare a creme chantilly using your heavy cream. Add the sugar little by little. Fold your mascapone mixture with the cream chantilly. Softened your ladyfingers with your raspberry juice. Assemble them in small glasses; ladyfinger at the bottom, followed by the mascarpone mixture, then raspberries, and again mascarpone mixture. Put them in the fridge for at least two hours. Decorate with some chocolate powder and fresh raspberries.

Try my other Tiramisu recipe:

Banana Fake Tiramisu
