Chocolate Raspberry Creme Brulée

I am warning you, this post is kinda disgusting so if you don't have the stomach for it just zap it and jump on to my recipe :-) and do not tell me I didn't warn you.

As I mentioned on my last post, after the spectacular stunt of my daughter escaping from her crib, that prompted us to buy her a new bed so she won't do that evasion trick with us again. Everything went well. We bought her her new bed and she loved it. Hubby and I thought we could finally have a good night sleep.

At around one in the morning that night, it was the same scenario again; I heard my little baby crying. I didn't even bothered to move from our bed for I know she could get out from her bed all by herself. I heard her little footsteps stopped right in front of our bedroom. And she softly said "Mama, Mama". I went out into the darkness and touched my little girl. "What was that?," I thought. She was sticky and was wet all over. I turned on the light and was shocked to see my daughter covered by pieces of food she ate and curdled milk all over her. I woke up hubby and when we went to see her bedroom it was even worse. A real crime scene of vomit galore. Don't worry I'll spare you the details. Just Imagine that soury smell all over her place. I gave her a quick bath, dried her up and let her sleep in the middle of us. Mayumi was smiling and happy. I was thinking at the back of my head, did she do that purposely to sleep her with us. But I abandoned the idea of course. Hubby was so annoyed with the smell of my little girl so I heard him whispering her " go sleep closer to Mama". When I noticed that both hubby and little girl were sleeping: I slightly tilted wickedly the head of Mayumi towards her dad. I was grinning. Eventually after an hour, Mayumi was vomiting again and this lasted until five in the morning. We didn't waste time and rushed her immediately to the hospital.

Don't worry guys, my little girl is doing well now. She tested negative on all exams they gave her and they even let us go back home the same day. Although It's still a mystery to us what caused that vomitting. The good news is, Mayumi has finally adopted her bed and she sleeps there now happily and tightly even as I type this post.

I am sending this dessert recipe of mine that I always prepare when there is a family gathering to Laura of Spiced Life who is hosting event for Family Recipes. And I tell you everybody in my family love this. For more details and round-up check out the link.

Chocolate Raspberry Creme Brulée
4 ramekins

4 egg yolks + 2 whole eggs
20 cl of heavy cream
125 g of chocolate
250 g of raspberries
40 g of sugar
20 g of brown sugar for the caramel topping

Beat the egg yolks and two whole eggs with the 40 grams of sugar. Blend them well until them become creamy. Place the cream in a saucepan, over low heat allow it to simmer for about three minutes. The add your chocolate and let it melt. Turn of the fire and let it cool down before adding the eggs-sugar mixture. Pour this chocolate cream on your ramekins. Add the the raspberries on your ramekins. You can put roughly 5 to six raspberries per ramekin depending the size of your raspberries. You can save some raspberries for decorating them when you serve them. Place your ramekins in a baking dish and fill the baking dish with enough water to come halfway up the sides of the reamekins. Place the dish in a preheated oven 180° celsius and bake for 20 minutes. We have different ovens so the cooking time and temperature could vary depending on your oven just be sure that the custards are justly cooked; still creamy and yet firm. After their cooking time refrigerate for minimum of one hour the ramekins. Just before serving sprinkle the top with brown sugar. Put ice cube in a tray around ramekins and place try under a preheated hot grill for about one minute or until sugar melts and is golden.
