Honey Walnut Cake with hot chocolate fudge

A very strange thing happened a week ago: it snowed here in Southern France.

Have you ever felt this weird feeling that you've been just zapped to another dimension. The normal blue sky cool weather and the fragrant green rosemary and thyme decor turned all of a sudden into an immaculately white blanket covering the landscape.

If you think it was fairylike well there's the other half of the story; our region was paralysed for a week (highways were inaccessible ) and oh my God we had some power interruption. While I would like so much to complain as normal french people does on situations like this, I went on the kitchen and tried to work on some magic to bring myself some sun. I was glad it worked for me; a slice of my walnut cake brought me to Tahiti for a moment.

And by the way, my daughter finally had her first taste of snow: literally and figuratively :-) he he he

Ps. Oh my goodness I just realised how much I have been lagging behind my post and on checking out your blogs' guys. I am so "has been". I really feel so bad about it. I blame my busy schedule and "fourth world like" internet connection. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'll try to make up.

And I'm sending this off to Lore of Culinarty for her fabulous Original Recipes blog event. Check out the round-up tomorrow.

Honey Walnut Cake
(my own recipe)
for 4 slices
150 grams of flour

50 g of butter
1 egg
100 g brown sugar

1 big heap of honey

2 tablespoons of milk

100 grams of chopped walnuts

10 g of melted butter for greasing the pan

optional: chocolate hot fudge

Grease your baking pan and preheat the oven at 180°celsius. In a bowl mix the flour, sugar, melted butter and egg. Mix well. Add the honey and milk. Continue mixing well. Fold in the chopped walnuts. Pour on your greased pan and bake for 20 to 30 minutes. Serve with hot chocolate fudge on the top.

In front of our house.....

My little darling.....

Our parking area....
