Nutella Mango Cake and a Hug

"Oh my gosh, this till death do us part business is driving me nuts"

As I was reading two letters of confessions from two good friends, one putting question her decision to tie the knot few years back while the other one is jubilant about her up coming wedding their fears, their excitements, their love story and the exorbitant expenses involved, I couldn't help but think of that. I'm pretty sure they were both dismayed by the shortness of my reply, "oh, so the rumor is true."

Not that I don't like minding other's businesses specially when they are the one asking for it. It 's just that I'm not very good at this domain, I mean "giving advice". Especially for a relationship that turned into vinegar is quite risky to interfere. If my dad would still be alive he'll definitely advice me to tell them "do not just look into the future but cherish also the past." Because considering all the elements involve always help us in making sound decision. And he'll insist that I show them my support.

After having this reflection I decided to send them both card of encouragement. For one great lesson in life that I have learned when my dad passed away is that it makes a big difference to know that we are not alone when we are up against a difficulty.

It is not everyday that we can put a smile on someone else's face or a tap of encouragement on someone else's shoulder. But it is today that I am sending someone a virtual hug. A hug of encouragement, a hug of love and a hug of support for Barbara of Winos and Foodies, the wonderful creator behind the successful Hay Hay it's Donna Day blog event.
Many have already particitipated in sending in their virtual hug of support to Barbara who has been undergoing chemotheraphy for the last few weeks. A big thanks to this wonderful idea of Bron and Ilva for creating this big circle of virtual love.

Hang on there Barbara, you are not alone :-) Here's a Big Hug for you.

Nutella Mango Cake

2 1/2 cups of cake flour
1 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons of Nutella chocolate spread
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
60 g of butter
a pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of baking powder
2 eggs
about half a cup of milk
2 ripe mangoes (peeled and cut in cubes)
10 g of butter for caramelising the mangoes

Start by melting the ten grams of butter and caramelising the mangoes in a pan. On another saucepan, melt the rest of the butter with cocoa powder and nutella chocolate. Do not let it boil. You just need to melt the chocolate. In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar, salt and eggs. Mix well. Add the milk. Put in the melted chocolate and the caramelised mangoes. Mix until it becomes homogenous. Pour on your greased desired baking pan and bake for about 20 to 30 minutes depending on the size at 180° celsius.

Try my other Chocolate recipes:

Chocolate Charlotte Raspberries
Chocolate Honey Spice Cake
Chocolate Saucisson
