Buche de noel

In France the tradition of the "buche de Noel" or Christmas log, is quite recent, after 1870's. It is said that some Parisian pastry chefs created this dessert having in mind, the log burning in the hearth on the eve of Christmas.

Recipe for 1 chestnut flavoured, Christmas log:

For the sponge:
  • 4 eggs
  • 125 g caster sugar
  • 125 g strong flour
For the syrup:
  • 125 g caster sugar
  • 10 cl dark rum
  • 200 g water
For the chestnut cream:
  • 225 g soft butter
  • 450 g chestnut pure
  • 2 tablespoons dark rum
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g candied chestnut
First of all make 2 squares of sponge cake. Whisk the eggs with sugar in a bowl over a bain-marie. When the the mixture has reach a firm, white-ish texture and makes a ribbon, fold in the sifted flour. Carefully, spread the batter on two square 22cm by 24 cm oven dish lined with butter, flour and greaseproof paper. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius (356F) for 30 minutes. When cooked flip your slab of sponge onto, separate two kitchen cloths and roll them when they are still warm.

Next make a syrup with sugar, water and rum.

To make the chestnut cream, cream the butter with the sugar until it becomes fluffy, fold into the chestnut pure and finally add the chopped candied chestnut.

Unroll the two slabs of sponge. Evenly, spread some chestnut cream over them. Tightly roll the first slab. Then roll the second one around it.

Place your roll onto a nice tray and spread the chestnut cream left over , onto the roll and pass a fork into the cream to make the "bark". Garnish with some Christmas decorations, small meringue mushrooms, etc.

Keep refrigerated for 1h before serving.

Vegetarian, suitable for pregnant women.
