Ponche Crema

In Venezuela, the festival of the Navidenas is traditionally celebrated with this rich egg nog made of milk, sugar, rum and eggs. There are probably as many recipe for ponche crema than inhabitants in Venezuela but there is a recipe that gather the ingredients that they all will have in common:
  • 2 tins of condensed milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 Vanilla pod
  • 1 liter of milk
  • A pinch of nutmeg
  • 6 rinds of lime
  • 1 liter white rum
First stiffen the egg whites by whisking them. Then whisk the egg yolks, separately. Add them to the egg whites. Mix the rum, condensed milk, milk, nutmeg with the vanilla and rinds of lime. Pour, carefully, this mixture onto the eggs.
Now, some will like their drink to be a bit thicker so, for them reduce down the rum-milk mixture on a gentle heat for 20-25 minutes before adding the eggs.
Serve cold.

Gluten free, nut free, vegetarian.
