Oysters Stew

In some North American household, Christmas eve dinner often starts by an oyster soup. It is said that this recipe was brought to the U.S by Irish immigrants.

Recipe for 4 people:
  • 24 oysters
  • 4 cups whole milk
  • pinch cayenne pepper
  • 50g butter
  • salt and pepper
Open all the oysters and clear them from the water that is expulsed by the shellfish. Stack them flat on a tray and wait that the second water is produced. Collect it.
Then, put the milk to simmer into a sauce pan. Add the butter and the water collected from the oysters. Poach the oysters in this liquid for 6 minutes.
Season with salt, pepper and the cayenne pepper. Place six oysters per person in a soup bowl and pour the soup over them.

May be the cause of allergies. Gluten free, nut free, not suitable for pregnant women.
