Where can I buy millet, quinoa, tapioca, etc

This e-mail was sent to me by Petra in the U.K asking me where can, now uncommon grains and seeds such as millet, tapioca and quinoa, can be found:

I've just been reading Food Lorists which I came across while looking for internet shops that would sell the less common cereals, flours etc. There is lots of advice on the Internet on diet and recipes - but where can I actually buy the stuff. I have scoured our local supermarkets, health food stores and farm shops but nothing. I also was unable to locate Internet shops - what should I google for??? I tried lots of variations but only ever got advice and no shopping. I'm looking for things like sago, tapioca, quinoa, lecithin granules, millet, maybe the chestnut flour you mentioned.... In the UK would be prefered. Can you recommend anything?

Thanks, Petra


First I am surprised that you cannot find grains like tapioca, millet and quinoa in health store in the U.K. Chestnut flour would be more difficult I admit. Sago can usually be found in powder form in African food stores or Chinese food markets.

There are 2 links to web-sites one in the UK, the other one in France where
everything that you are looking for can be found. At the exception of sago (sorry!):

- Eco-sapiens (F) http://www.eco-sapiens.com/Projet-eco-sapiens.php, which
is an excellent French online store for all these types of "unusual foods"

- Ethical superstore.com (U.K) http://www.ethicalsuperstore.com/, not as
good, but you'll find most of what you are looking for.

- As far as I know a Chef friend of mine leaving in the U.K told me that it
can usually be found in the baking section of supermarket chains like ASDA
or Sainsbury.
