Milk Chocolate Honey Walnut Pie

There is angel in each one of us.

The dark cloud yesterday morning announced the sudden rain pour that was strong but brief. As I busily dry my wet umbrella while waiting in the covered bus stop an old woman on her late 80’s arrived and took refuge on the same shelter. Half wet from waist till her legs she smiled at me and told me with pride, “Oh It’s rare that it rains in Provence but I always carry my umbrella with me!” “What a great girl scout you are!” I teasingly replied. I don’t know if she understood the joke but we both laugh. As the bus arrived I have only one thing in my mind, sleep in the bus and listen to my Ipod. But alas, as I entered the bus the old woman already reserved the seat close to her for me. She smiled at me and insisted that I sit beside her for a company and told me that she would love to spend the trip beside me.

As our bus advance to our destination I get to know little by little this gracious stranger seated close to me. We were like high-school girls giggling at almost anything. Oh we talked about lot of stuffs. From politics to why women should never be allowed to drive to her misfortunes, her recent lost his son, and her current battle: his husband who’s still in comma for few days now. She told me how she loved him and how it would be hard for her to imagine living a life old and alone without him. People who know me personally know that I am type of person that loves to crack jokes and put a smile on other people’s faces for whatever it takes whatsoever the circumstances are. I didn’t only put a smile on her face I also made her laugh a lot of times. As we went down the bus, I gave her a strong hug, kisses on her cheeks and whispered words of encouragement on her ears. She was teary eyed when she waved her hand goodbye and continued her direction towards the hospital.

It is true that it’s not everyday we have rain in Provence. But it could be any day we can be an angel to a complete stranger.


My angels are flying a slice of this chocolate honey walnut pie over at Cookthink for their 33rd edition of Root Source Challenge. If you love honey you will surely love this edition.

By the way, Haze & Makis, this is the tart I bake for our lunchdate that didn't show up :-)

Milk Chocolate Honey Walnut Pie

For the pate brisée (recipe here)

300 g of coarsely chopped walnut
100 g of brown sugar (about half a cup)
2 tablespoons of honey ( I used lavander honey)
150 g of milk chocolate
55 g of butter (about half a stick)
2 tablespoons of flour
4 eggs
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
20 cl of heavy cream

Cream your eggs with sugar, then add the flour. Melt the chocolate and fold it into your heavy cream. Add the vanilla extra. Pour the chocolate mixture on your egg-sugar-flour mixture and mix them well. Put half of your chopped walnuts on your cooked pastry shell and pour over the chocolate mixture. Sprinkle the rest of your nuts on the top. Preheat the oven at 180° celsius and bake for 20-25 minutes. Serve with a scoop of ice-cream of your choice.

Try my other walnut recipes:

Rolled Turkey Escalopes with Walnut Parsley Pesto
Walnut Wine
Pannetone Pudding with cream-anglaise and Walnut brittle
