Fig & Coconut Custard Tart

An open letter to my blogging friends that I truly miss

Dear everyone,

I know I know things have been kind a sluggish here in my kitchen. It has been a frantic couple of weeks in the house lately, fluttering with things done and still left undone. Heard about two verbs you should not put together: moving and renovation. Well, we are in the middle of moving preparation, yes you heard it right we are moving to a bigger house in few weeks time. And to top that we are also in middle of renovating our small vacation house in Verdon. Whew, if only you could see how the two houses are; upside down. The only one enjoying this jungle like ambiance at home is my one year old girl. I bet you could imagine how it complicates things even more. She’s up there, she’s taken that. I put something in the box she takes it out. Well I’m nearing my borderline insanity:-).

Fortunately we finally had a break yesterday. We head over at my sister-in-law's place for a delicious crepe party and an eventual "usual promenade" with my mom-in-law. You know what I mean; we gathered about a kilo of almonds and two kilos of figs. These free stuffs abundant in the place we live are the things I will greatly miss when we move to our new house. Well I am truly glad that my hubby and I had our much deserving repose yesterday. Strong enough to face this busy week ahead of us. I'll keep you all posted!

Big kisses from my kitchen,

Ps, I gave myself an hour break so I could peep through your kitchen


I'll be sending this over at Lore's fabulous monthly event Original Recipes at Culinarty.

Fig Coconut Custard Cream Tart

for the pate brisée
(pastry dough)
250 grams of flour (about 2 cups)

1 tablespoon of sugar
a pinch of salt

100 g of butter cut in cubes(1 stick)
half a glass of water

In a salad bowl put your flour and butter. Mix them well with your hand. Using your finger press well the butter to make it blend with your flour. If you want to simplify this just pulse them together. :-) As soon as you have that sandy coarse texture, add your salt and sugar. Then pour little by little your water as you work on your dough. Remember do not pour all the water. Sometimes you just need less. You are at a right consistency when the flour doesn't stick to your hand no more. Make a ball shape and let it stand covered in your fridge. After the resting time, flatten them with your rolling pin. Make the shape and size you want depending on your baking dish. Brush your baking dish with butter and put your dough. With the help of your finger flatten the sides. Put a great pressure as you do it. With the aid of fork make some holes on your dough all over. Cut the edges and press the sides. Let it stand again in the fridge for about thirty minutes. Preheat the oven at 180° celsius and cook this for about then minutes.

for the second part:
about a kilo of fresh figs quartered
half a cup of brown sugar
4 egg yolks
10 cl of coconut cream (about half a small glass)
50 g of butter cut in cubes (half a stick)
2 teaspoons of vanilla essence

After the pie crust is ready put half of the brown sugar on the surface of your crust. Then assemble nicely your quartered fig , with the cut part facing up. Drizzle it again with brown sugar. Put it in the oven for about ten minutes at 180° celsius. Beat the egg yolks with coconut cream and vanilla. After the ten minutes pull out the tart and pour over your egg mixture. Drizzle it with rest of your sugar and put your cut butter on the top. Bake this for about fifteen minutes at 180° celsius.

Try my other tart and pie recipes:
Pecan Nuts and Maple Syrup Tart
Nutella Dulche de leche Tartelette
Mango cheesecake Pie
