Chicken Tagine in Lemon Preserve and Olives

Today, I bumped my head at the fridge’s door and realized that hey, I missed out this month’s DB’s challenge. Ooops.

Gosh, I am totally lost and exasperated with our moving. I have moaned and groaned on this task that every time I finished packing one box it seems there’s another one to make. They are infinite. Oh for heaven sake, do we really have this much of stuffs? I sigh. Probably karma for some good things that I did, our annual family reunion came in as a gift this weekend: for it gave me and my husband a two-day break to do nothing but eat and chit chat.

One of the things I appreciate the most about this family event of ours is the décor: a 17th century five story bourgeois villa in between lavender fields and chestnut & black truffles plantation, indeed the most treasured of our family’s patrimony. And I tell you, on occasions like this I savor more the stories we share on the long table than the sumptuous meal served. Blame it on my frustrations of being a reporter. Hopping from table to table for the latest buzz; Cousin A, the meteorologist in the family just got an offer for a five-year job contract in Tahiti! Wow, that’s great everybody’s excited. But hey, isn’t it that France-Tahiti flight being the farthest place we could ever think of flying could cost a whopping 2000 euros per person. Hmm, not really good news I thought. Oh have you heard that Cousin B is back dating again after her recent divorce? Now we have good news! Well Cousin C claimed it is still too early to rejoice for the guy he was dating with is still in the process of divorcing too. Hmmmm! And Oh Uncle A, the doctor finally after years of our convincing accepted to take his much deserved vacation with her wife, they’ll be flying to China next week. That’s great, I said. But probably you can advise us on what’s the best one to bring along on our travel; they asked me, backpack or a suitcase? Huh? I replied. Luckily I was saved by my mom-in-law asking me if I already prepared my cocktail dress for Friday’s occasion. No not yet I retorted. Roll out the red carpet for apparently dad-in-law will be honored the highest recognition given by the French government for his unwavering services as the highest judge of the Court of Appeals I hope Sarkozy will be there, I sneered. Gala event’s like that is not really my cup of tea but the free buffet table sounds promising to me I thought. I’m already dreaming of champagne and caviar when my husband approached and whispered on my ears; Honey, I think your chicken is burning!

Im sending this chicken tagine of to Valentina, our host for this week's Weekend Herb Blogging, the even created by Kalyn.

Chicken Tagine in Lemon Preserves and Olives

1 whole chicken cut in serving pieces
1-2 pieces of lemon preserved chopped
2 big onions sliced
1/4 cup of olive oil
half a stick of butter
half a cup of green olives
2 to 3 pieces of potatoes
2 teaspoons of tagine spice: curry, turmeric, cumin, etc
some fresh chopped coriander
1/2 a cup of chicken stock

Start by putting half of your olive oil and butter. Brown the sides of your chicken, set it aside. On the same casserole, put the rest of the oil and caramelize your onions. Put back the chicken and continue stirring. Add the spices and the preserved lemon. Add the potatoes and green olives. Put some salt. Pour the chicken stock. Simmer over low fire for about an hour or until chicken is tender and soft. Top it with chopped coriander.

My other chicken recipes:
Chicken Curry Pizza
Chicken Supreme
