Lime Black Sesame Prawns with Asian herbs Spaghetti

Lime Black Sesame Prawns with Asian herbs Spaghetti

Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy. I didn't said that but Sigmund did. :-)

I consider myself most creative when I sleep. Do not laugh at this its just simply because my subconscious mind could forge unfathomable images in my dreams. I am sure you will think that either Stephen King lives in me or I am just simply fool if I were to tell you how horrifying my nightmares are. But anyway who didn't have a scary one? We all suffered nightmares.

But imagine how hard it must have been for the young minds to confront them. Much worse if it's just an eleven month old baby that will have to brave all these. Well let's put it this way: my husband and I did not sleep well (at all) last night. It was brutally interrupted many times by our daughter's cry. We took turns several times in appeasing her. Well she's having her first nightmares. Our book said that this is normally the moment when babies have more nightmares. (What?) ( Does this mean there will be more moments like this? Sigh)

As I type this post I still have my eyes really drowsy. I think I will need to go back again to bed. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

By the way, this is my entry for this three delicious ingredients chosen by Peter of Kalofagas (the last month's winner. You need to check the cake he made it's awesome) for this month's Royal Food Joust, an event created by Jen of The Left Over Queen.

for the Lime Black Sesame Prawns

10 pieces of large prawns
2 tablespoons of grated lime rind
2 tablespoons of lime juice
salt, pepper
2 tablespoons of black sesame seeds
1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
2 tablespoons of sesame oil

Peel prawn bodies leaving head and tails intact. Combine lime rind, lime juice, cumin seeds, black sesame seeds and sesame oil. Allow prawns to stand for about twelve minutes. Cook prawsn on a hot char grill or pan for 1 minute eadh side or until it changed into golden brown color.

for the Asian Herbs Spaghetti

500 g of spaghetti noodles
half a cup of Thai Basil leaves
1/4 cup of coriander leaves
2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
2 tablespoons of honey
1 tablespoon of lime juice
2 tablespoons of cooking wine like Mirin
salt, pepper

Cook the spaghetti noodles as indicated in a boiling water. Drain. Toss basil and coriander through spaghetti. Combine all the rest of ingredients and pour over the pasta. Toss to combine. Place the spaghetti on serving plate and serve with the black sesame prawns on the top.

Try my other related recipes:

Strawberrt Gazpacho and Basil
Drunk Shrimp in Sake
Spicy Fettuccini
