Homemade Orange Wine

Orange wine

What is told in the ear of a man is often heard 100 miles away. ~Chinese Proverb

My mom always told us to mind our own business. It is a sign of respect to other people. But one Tuesday afternoon in the organic market in our area, I couldn't help myself eeves dropping two wine connoisseurs conversation. Their topic was how to make your own Home-made Orange Wine. I hope you like my Wordless Home-made Recipe this Wednesday.

This wine is just perfect for summer. The light and fruitful flavor of this wine will perfectly harmonize with the color and odor of the season.

Orange Wine

for every liter of white wine or rose wine you will need
2 organic oranges
20 cl of alcohol of at least 40% (I suggest you use Calvado, Armanac, Grand Marnier etc)
16 teaspoons of sugar

Cut the oranges in quarter. Mix the wine, alcohol and sugar together and let the oranges macerate for three weeks in this mixture. You need to put them in one big plastic container tighly covered like an empty water plastic container. Everyday you need to shake a little bit. After three weeks maceration, filter the wine twice to be sure that there is no more orange pulp left in the wine. Pour them on your wine bottles and put back the cork. Orange wines are served cold to accompany your white meat dishes, seafoods, or desserts. This wine is also best appreciated for the apperitif.

Drink moderately....

You can also try my other wine recipe:

Walnut wine
